Update 23rd November – Help Defend the village
The Meadow inquiry starts Monday 30th November at 10:00hrs. Due to Coronavirus the inquiry will sit virtually using Microsoft Teams. If you wish to watch or speak at the inquiry you should contact the Case Officer Alison Bell – Telephone: 0303 444 5279, or via Email: alison.bell@planninginspectorate.gov.uk
Please quote the following:
Location: ‘The Meadow’ Gotherington, Gloucestershire
Planning Inspectorate ref: APP/G1630/W/20/3256319
Application ref: 19/01071/OUT
Appeal Start Date: 17 August 2020
Update 16th June 2020
Tewkesbury Borough Council planning committee have unanimously refused the application to build upon The Meadow.
Barton Willmore have once again submitted an application to build on ‘the Meadow’. This is an almost identical application to the one they submitted 3 years ago. On that occasion Tewkesbury Borough Council unanimously rejected the application. The application was then taken to the Planning Inspectorate under appeal, where once again the application was refused.
However planning is a moving feast and as such previous rejection does not mean this one will be rejected. We need everyone to make your voices heard.
If you wish to voice your opinions this can be done by visiting the link below and searching for 19/01071/OUT
There are time limits on feedback, so the sooner the better.
You may like to think about structuring your feedback around one or more of the following topics.
– Traffic, on Ashmead Drive, exiting onto Malleson Road close to the bend
– Visual Impact, to those near the Meadow
– Location, the site is not in the local neighbourhood development plan
– Loss of Green Space
You make like to look at the 2016 letters to gain ideas for your feedback. These can be found by following the same link and searching for 16/00901/OUT
Here are the documents submitted to Tewkesbury with the latest application.