Welcome to Gotherington Parish Council

On the Gotherington Parish Council website you will find the latest agenda and minutes for council meetings, along with local news about planning, roads and much more.

The agenda for the next meeting can be found here.

The Village Hall and RRB carpark will be closed for resurfacing on the Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th August 2024.

Please note that the carpark resurfacing will be extended until the weekend, Thank you for your understanding while the work is being carried out. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

About Us

Gotherington Parish Council are the local council and provide the first tier of administration for Gotherington and the surrounding environs. The council is the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. The council is a democratically elected local authority consisting of a maximum of 9 Councillors and a Clerk.

The council consists of volunteer Councillors who are elected for a four year term. The role of the Parish Clerk is the only paid role.

The council is funded via a precept and by renting out council assets e.g. use of buildings, sport facilities, etc. To book the Rex Rhodes Building (RRB) or the Pavilion or the upper or lower playing pitches.
To make a booking please email us at:

To book one of the two tennis courts use the following link: https://tennis.gotheringtonparishcouncil.org.uk


The council raises revenue to help meet the parish spending requirements by issuing a ‘precept’. This is the total amount to be raised through the council tax from all the dwellings within the parish area. The ‘precept’ is converted into an amount per council tax band and this forms part of the council tax bill.

More general information can be found that the link below.

Wikipedia Parish Councils