Neighbourhood Watch started in 1982 and is now the largest voluntary organisation covering 6 million households with 27% of the population belonging to Neighbourhood Watch in 160,000 schemes across the country.
• To reduce opportunities for crime and to make it more difficult for the would-be thief, vandal or criminal to act.
• To build up a community spirit so that you and all your neighbours can work together for everybody’s benefit.
• To work in partnership with the police and local organisations to raise awareness and, where possible, minimise the fear of crime
The Neighbourhood watch co-ordinators for Gotherington are:
Mr J Hicks
19 Longfurlong Park
Mrs M Manders-Trett
58 Malleson Road
Mr H Samuels
Shady Nook Cottage, Shutter Lane
Your nearest police station is located
within Tewkesbury Borough Council Offices Tewkesbury Police Station,
Council Offices,
Gloucester Road,
Tewkesbury, GL20 5TT
Mr P Smith
114 Malleson Road
672970 Mr L Howard,
26 Malleson Road
Phil Smith covers the Evesham Road end of Malleson Road. Mary Manders-Trett covers the mid-section.
Les Howard covers from 2 to 25 Malleson Road. Howard Samuels covers Shutter Lane.
John Hicks covers Longfurlong Lane.
Would you like to receive Neighbourhood Watch Updates from the Gloucestershire Constabulary, with information of all recent crimes within the area, the NHW association newsletters and general information relating to NHW matters by email? If so click here to register for the Neighbourhood Watch mailing list.
Neighbourhood Watch Contact Phone Numbers:
999 for emergency situations
101 for non-emergency and anti-social behaviour issues as well as general enquiries
0800 555 111 to call Crimestoppers anonymously
0300 123 2040 for action fraud and scams, or to get advice if you’re not sure what to do
Neighbourhood Watch Links:
Your Local Area Scheme:
Gloucestershire Constabulary:
Cheltenham NHW Association website:
Tewkesbury NHW Association website::