Gotherington Parish Council


Gotherington Neighbourhood Development Plan was adopted by Tewkesbury Borough Council

At a Full Council Meeting on 19 September 2017,  Tewkesbury Borough Council resolved to bring the Gotherington Neighbourhood Development  Plan into legal force.

To view the Statutory ‘Decision Statement’ please click here: 170919 Decision Statement Making Gotherington NDP

To view a copy of the final plan incorporating all of the Examiners recommended modifications, in the form in which it was put to Referendum, please click here: 170919 GNDP Made Neighbourhood Development Plan

We can confirm that no additional modifications have been made to the plan since being put to referendum, no further modifications are therefore being publicised under Regulation 30.

You can still access Archive GNDP documents.

The link to the current material is:

Gotherington Neighbourhood Development Plan Documents

The Borough Council’s Decision Statement has been published on the Tewkesbury Borough Council website and can be accessed by clicking on the following link:

Alternatively you can follow this link:
This page is maintained by Howard Samuels,  Last updated 02/03/2021